The Editorial Board and Editorial Office of the journal “Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka” invites Russian and international authors to send articles to the journal which are dealing with problems of studying written monuments of the Orient, representing the results of studying written sources on history, literature, religion, culture, and ethnography of the Asian region, as well as containing publications of written monument texts from Russian and international manuscript collections, libraries, archives, and museums.
The Editorial Office accepts research articles in Russian and European languages (English, French, German) which do not exceed 6,000 words (not including summaries and key words), materials (publications and translations) which do not exceed 12,000 words, reviews and notes, which do not exceed 1,200 words. Articles and other texts of larger volume are accepted under extraordinary circumstances upon the agreement with the Editorial Office.
Submission Requirements
1. Title of the article (in Russian and English);
2. Full name of the contributor, academic degree, academic title, academic position and affiliaton, work address including zip code (in Russian and English) and e-mail address;
3. Summary of the article (1000-2000 characters maximum, in Russian and English);
4. Key words (max. 10, in Russian and English);
5. Text of the article with FOOTNOTES given at the bottom of every page. REFERENCES are given within the text in round brackets after the citation, for example: (Ivanov 2005: 3) or (Encyclopedia of Islam 2005: 10). All citations and references must be carefully checked and proofread;
6. List of abbreviations must be given if abbreviated names of written sources, periodicals, publication series, organizations, foundations, or institutions are used in the text;
7. References. The order of bibliographic references for a monograph is the following: last name of the author(s), year of publication (without any punctuation marks), DASH, last name and initials of the author written in italics (full name for international authors; European first names must be separated from the last names with a comma), PERIOD, name of the monograph, PERIOD, place of publication, COLON, publishing house, COMMA, year of publication, PERIOD. If the monograph is published in a publication series, it must be written in the end of the bibliographic reference in round brackets.
Хосроев 2007 – Хосроев А.Л. История манихейства (Prolegomena). СПб.: Филологический факультет СПбГУ, 2007.
Персидский каталог – Персидские и таджикские рукописи Института народов Азии АН СССР: Краткий алфавитный каталог / Под ред. Н. Д. Миклухо-Маклая. М.: Наука, 1964. Ч. 1–2.
Sárközi 1995 – Sárközi, Alice. A Buddhist Terminological Dictionary. The Mongolian Mahāvyutpatti / Ed. by A. Sárközi in Collaboration with J. Szerb. Ed. by G. Hazai. Budapest: Académiai Kiadó, 1995 (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, vol. XLII).
Poppe 1964 – Poppe, Nicholas. Grammar of Written Mongolian. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1964 (Porta Linguarum Orientalium. Neue Serie I).
Mbh 1944 – Sukthankar Vishnu Sitaram and Belwalkar Shripad Krishna. The Mahаbhаrata for the First Time Critically Edited, vol. II. The Sabhаparvan, edited by Franklin Edgerton. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1944.
Не Сяохун 2009 – Не Сяохун 乜小紅. Э цан Дуньхуан циюэ вэньшу яньцзю 俄藏敦煌契約文書研究 [Изучение хозяйственных документов из Дуньхуана, хранящихся в России]. Шанхай: Гуцзи чубаньшэ, 2009.
Кинсэй сисока бунсю 1966 – Кинсэй сисока бунсю. Нихон котэн бунгаку тайкэй 近世思想家文集.日本古典文学大系 (Сборник текстов мыслителей Нового времени. Серия «Классическая японская литература», т. 97). Токио: Иванами сётэн, 1966.
The order of bibliographic references for an article is the following: last name of the author(s), year of publication (without any punctuation marks), DASH, last name and initials of the author written in italics (full name for international authors; European first names must be separated from the last names with a comma), PERIOD, name of the article, DOUBLE OBLIQUE LINE (//), name of the journal or the article digest, COMMA, volume or issue number, PERIOD, place of publication, COLON, publishing house (if applicable), COMMA, year of publication, PERIOD, “C” (for Russian articles), “P” (for English articles), PERIOD. When giving a reference to an Internet publication, one must give a full electronic/online address as well.
Лемешко 2013 – Лемешко Ю.Г. Картина-няньхуа из уезда Уцян и культ Гуань Юя в современном Китае // Общество и государство в Китае: 43 я научная конференция, т. XLIII, ч. 1. М.: Институт востоковедения РАН, 2013. С. 563–570 (Ученые записки Отдела Китая ИВ РАН, вып. 8).
Hiltebeitel 1980 – Hiltebeitel, Alf. Draupadī’s Garments // Indo-Iranian Journal, 22. P. 97–112.
Эрман 1999 – Эрман В.Г. Ведийская религия // Древо индуизма. М.: Восточная литература, 1999. С. 41–63.
Географический трактат 2005 – Географический трактат «Истории Хань»: Описания 25 округов по северной границе империи / Пер. и коммент. Е.А. Торчинова, М.Е. Ермакова, Ю.Л. Кроля // Страны и народы Востока. Вып. XXXII. Дальний Восток. Кн. 4. Проблемы географии и внешней политики в «Истории Хань» Бань Гу: исследования и переводы. М.: Изд. фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 2005.
Чон Чингук 2012 – Чон Чингук 전진국. «Хан (韓)» Хан-ый йурэ-ва мйонъчхинъ-ый хйонъсонъ ‘한(韓)’의 유래와 명칭의 형성 (Происхождение «хан» и формирование названия) // Чонъсин мунхва йонгу 정신문화연구 (Исследования духовной культуры). 2012, зима. Т. 35. № 4(129). С. 148–181.
Судзуки 2012 – Судзуки Кэндзи 鈴木建治. Росиа ни вататта аину сирё: но рэкиситэки кэйи ни цуитэ — А.В. Гуригориэфу но аину корэкусён о цуйсэки суру. ロシアに渡ったアイヌ資料の歴史的経緯について-A.V.グリゴーリエフのアイヌコレクションを追跡する [Об исторических обстоятельствах попадания материалов об айнах в Россию: по следам айнской коллекции А.В. Григорьева] // Хоппо: дзимбун кэнкю: 北方人文研究 [Гуманитарные исследования Севера], № 5. С. 1–12.
Bibliographic references are listed in alphabetical order according to the year of publication.
"For rendering Arabic proper and common names the system of transliteration erlaborated for the Encyclopaedia of Islam (New (2nd) edition) should be used with only two variations:
1. The character qāf is to be represented as q, not as ḳ;
2. In the symbols for the characters thā , djīm, khā’, dhā’, shīn and ghayn two letters (th, dj, kh, dh, sh and gh) are not to be underlined".
Since the journal is going to be placed into international databases, the list of references must be DUPLICATED. After each reference in the list, one must indicate the language of publication in brackets. Non-latin references in the list must be duplicated with transliteration using non-latin symbols. Half-codes (last name of the author and the year of publication) are not used in references. Names of monographs and journals/digests where articles are published must be written in italics. Name of an article must be written in quotes.
If an article is published in a digest or a collective monograph, then insert “In:” before the digest’s name.
Names of periodicals are written in italics and without “In:”.
The transliteration of Russian letters must follow the following rules: я – ia, е – e, ю – iu, э – е, й –i, ы – y, х – kh, ц –ts, ч – ch, ш –sh, щ – shch, ж – zh.
The automatic transliteration is possible, for example, via
In the left window choose Unicode [Russian], in the right one – ALA-LC (Library of Congress) Romanization without diacritics. Copy the Russian text to the left window, press Convert and get the Latin transliteration in the right window that one can copy and insert into one’s article.
For example:
Persidskie i tadzhikskie rukopisi Istituta narodov Azii AN SSSR: Kratkii alfavitnyi catalog. Pod red. N.D. Miklukho-Maklaia [Persian and Tajik manuscripts in the Institute of Asian People, the Academy of Sciences of USSR. Ed. by N. D. Miklukho-Maklai]. Moscow: Nauka, 1964, part. 1–2 (in Russian).
Bol’shoi kitaisko-russkii slovar’ po russkoi graficheskoi sisteme v chetyriokh tomakh [Comprehensive Chinese-Russian dictionary arranged according to Russian graphic system in 4 vols]. Ed. by I.M. Oshanin. Мoscow: Nauka, 1983 (in Russian and Chinese).
Turaev B.A. Efiopskie rukopisi v Sankt-Peterburge [Ethiopian manuscripts in St-Petersburg]. St-Petersburg: Tipografia Imperatorskoi akademii nauk, 1906, pp. 33–46 (in Russian).
Alekseev V.M. Kitaiskaia narodnaia kartina. dukhovnaia zhizn’ starogo Kitaia v narodnykh izobrazheniiakh [Chinese popular picture. Spiritual life of the old China reflected in the popular images]. Moscow: Nauka, Glavnaia redaktsiia vostochnoi literatury, 1966 (in Russian).
Sapozhnikov A.I. «Biblioteka i kollektsii grafa P. K. Sukhtelena» [The library and collections of count P. K. Suchtelen]. Kniga: issledovania i materialy [The Book: researches and materials.] Moscow: TERRA, 2001. Miscellany 78, pp. 280–290 (in Russian).
Poppe, Nicholas. Grammar of Written Mongolian. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1964 (Porta Linguarum Orientalium. Neue Serie I) (in English).
Sárközi, Alice. A Buddhist Terminological Dictionary. The Mongolian Mahāvyutpatti. Ed. by A. Sárközi in Collaboration with J. Szerb. Ed. by G. Hazai. Budapest: Académiai Kiadó, 1995 (Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica, XLII) (in English).
Nie Xiaohong 乜小紅. E cang Dunhuang qiyue wenshu yanjiu 俄藏敦煌契約文書研究 [A study of the Dunhuang texts of contracts from the Russian Collection]. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 2009 (in Chinese).
Kychanov E.I. “Ob odnom obriade religii bon, sokhranivshemsia v buddiiskikh ritualakh tangutov” [The certain Bon Religion ritual in the Tangut Buddhist ritual system]. Kratkie soobshcheniia Instituta etnografii [Brief Reports of the Institute of Ethnography], no. 35, 1960, pp. 86–90 (in Russian).
“Geograficheskii traktat “Istorii Han”: Opisaniia 25 okrugov po severnoi granitse imperii”. Per. i komment. Ye.A. Torchinova, M.Ye. Yermakova, Yu.L. Krolia [Geographical treatise “History of Han”: Description of 25 regions along the northern boarder of the empire. Transl. and comment. by Ye.A. Torchinov, M.Ye. Yermakov, Yu.L. Kroll]. Strany i narody Vostoka. Vyp. XXXII. Dal’nii vostok. Kniga. 4. Problemy geografii i vneshnei politiki v “Istorii Han’” Ban’ Gu: issledovaniia i perevody [States and Peoples of the East. Issue XXXII. The Far East. Book 4. Problems of geography and foreign policy in the “History of Han” by Ban Gu: research and translations]. Moscow: Izdatel’skaia firma “Vostochnaia literatura”, 2005 (in Russian).
Iakhontov S.E. “Grammatika kitaiskikh stikhov” [The Grammar of the Chinese Poetry]. In: Teoreticheskie problemy izucheniia literatur Dal’nego Vostoka [Theoretical Problems of Studies of the Far East Literatures]. M.: Nauka, 1974, pp. 66–75 (in Russian).
Hiltebeitel, Alf. “Draupadг’s Garments”. Indo-Iranian Journal, 22, 1980, pp. 97–112 (in English).
Erman V.G “Vediiskaia religiia” [Vedic religion]. In: Drevo induizma [The tree of Hinduism]. Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 1999. Pp. 41–63 (in Russian).
“Xiao jing zhu shu” 孝經注疏 [“Xiao jing” with commentary and explanatory notes]. In: Shi san jing zhu shu. Xia ce 十三經注疏(下册) [“Shi san jing” with commentary and explanatory notes, vol. 2]. Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 1997, pp. 2537–2562 (in Chinese).
“Shi ji” 史記 [Historical records]. In: Suoyin baina ben ershisi shi 縮印百衲本二十四史 (Phototype publication of “24 dynastic stories collected from various printing boards), vol. 1. Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1958 (in Chinese).
Pak M.N. “Opisanie koreiskikh plemion nachala nashei ery (po “San guo zhi”)” [Description of Korean tribes in the beginning of our era (according to “San guo zhi”]. In: Rossiiskoe koreevedenie. Al’manakh Mezhdunarodnogo centra koreevedeniia ghb MGU [Russian Korean studies. Proceedings of the International Center for Korean Studies of Moscow State University]. Issue 2. Moscow: ICKS MSU; Muravej, 2001, pp. 17–39 (in Russian).
Hewadmal Zalmay. De pashto adabiato tarikh (larghune av mendzaney davre) [History of Pashto literature (early and middle periods)]. Peshawar: Danish-khparandoia tolena, 2000 (in Pashto).
A summary in English (German or French) must not exceed 200 words. Articles in English, French or German must be accompanied by a summary in Russian.
Since the academic quality of the journal is evaluated by experts from international databases on the ground of articles’ English summaries, it is important that a summary does not contain “general words” and addresses main statements of the article, its goals and research results.
Notes from the headings “Academic Life” and “Reviews” must be accompanied by key words (in Russian and in English), information about the author (academic degree, academic position, academic affiliation with the postal address and zip code).
The articles must be sent to the Editorial Office in electronic and printed versions (using Times New Roman font, 14 size) accompanied by separate fonts for Oriental languages not included in Times New Roman if used in the article.
Images are provided in separate files in TIFF, JPEG, PSD, or EPS formats (with a resolution no less than 300 dpi for real-life size images) and in print for the journal layout making. In exceptional cases (upon the agreement with the Editorial Office), images could be accepted as good quality photographs (2 copies). The author’s last name and the image number must be written on the reverse of every image (or its printed copy). The list of images and image captions (including the original location, manuscript cypher, and page numbers of the manuscripts if applicable) must be also provided in a separate file.
The archive and museum materials are accepted for publication with the legal owner (organizations, libraries, and private individuals) permission only.
The Editorial Office has the right of editorial revision.
Manuscripts are not returned to authors.
Re-printing of materials without the Editorial Office’s permission is prohibited.